Romanian Astronomical Journal

  • About
  • Editorial board
  • Ethics
  • Notice to authors
  • Scientometry
  • Volumes
  • Contacts
  • About the Romanian Astronomical Journal
    An open-source journal

    Romanian Astronomical Journal in WoS
    Journal Citation Factor = 0.5 (average five years)
    Journal Citation Factor = 0.8 (in 2023)

    Aims and Scope

    Romanian Astronomical Journal (RoAJ) publishes original contributions in
    astronomy and astrophysics, review articles, brief reports, special communications,
    theoretical and observational studies.

    The main topics covered in the Romanian Astronomical Journal are:
    ● Astronomy
    ● Celestial Mechanics
    ● Stellar Astrophysics
    ● Solar Physics and Heliosphere
    ● Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
    ● History of Astronomy and Astronomy in Culture
    ● Space Sciences


    Ownership and Management

    Romanian Astronomical Journal is part of the Romanian Academy series of journals and it is published in hard copy by the Romanian Academy Publishing House. Subscription information could be found by contacting the journal, at:
    The publication of the online numbers is under the responsibility of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, via the journal webpage at

    Publishing Schedule

    Romanian Astronomical Journal appears in two issues per year in hard-copy editions (ISSN 1220- 5168) since 1991, and in an electronic version (ISSN 2285-3758) since 2012, with an additional third electronic issue started in 2015.

    Archiving information

    The volumes and issues of the journal are archived on the RoAJ web page: .
    For the volumes appeared between 1991 and 2011 there are only the Table of Contents and abstracts on line, because we had only the print ISSN approval.
    Since 2012, all articles can be found also online, because a new ISSN online was activated.
    However, we have scanned articles published before 2012 and provided by the courtesy of the authors.


    Distribution information

    For the printed version of the journal (the first two issue on a year) you shoud contact the entities described at the section Contacts.
    Usually the printed version is distributed in exchange with other publications by the Romanian Academy.

    The online version (that indexed by Clarivate Analytics) is freely distributed by Astronomical Institute of Romanian Academy at, as an open source journal.


    A general guide for Romanian Astronomical Journal can be downloaded here.

    ISSN (print) 1220-5168                                                            ISSN (online) 2285-3758